
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Airport Pictures and Video

Six years ago, I gave birth to my first child - my sweet Lilly.  She was everything I had waited for my whole life.  

I had no idea that on that day, while I held Lilly in my arms for the first time, oblivious to the world around me, that another daughter had already been waiting for me for 6 months...and would continue to wait for another 6 years.  

Today, it was my turn to wait.

Surrounded by friends and family while holding half of my children, my knees trembled beneath me as I felt the weight of our future riding in this moment.  

Would she understand why I didn't come for her?  That I couldn't come for her?  Not just last month, but last year, or the one before? 

And my would I tell him that this is forever?  And that this is better than propped bottles and shoveled-in rice and wet sheets and lying in silence, when those things are what he thinks "life" is - and all he knows of "comfort"?

Every day, I am living this story of my own faith.  I am these children.  I will never forget how He fought for me.

As I stood there watching other passengers run into the arms of waiting family, I knew this was a preview of things to come - of the day that I would run towards my Beloved Savior.

And suddenly, there she was...running towards me.  

She broke free from the crowd and ran as fast as she could towards me, 
and she yelled one word...


She grabbed onto my neck, 
kissed my cheek, 

and smelled my hair as if she was checking to see 
if I was really real...

And just like that, after almost 7 years of disappointment and waiting, 
she whispered into my ear,

"Wo a ni, Mama."  

"I love you, too," I said.  "Forever."    

And forever begins.

And all I can do is thank Jesus for choosing me 
so that I could choose her.

I told her in Mandarin that I loved her, 
that I had been waiting for her, and she already knew.  

As I turned to my Aaron, he decided he had had enough 
of the changes in his world, and the crying began.  

As I tried to win him from Becky's arms, 
I wondered how long I would have to fight for this child's trust.

The moment I held him, I knew I would fight for the rest of my life for him, if that is what it took.

(Luckily, it only took one night of sleeping on my chest...
He is officially a "Mama's boy".)  

Before we headed home, we spent some time watching as Haven introduced herself to her siblings and new friends.  

As I watched her light up the whole airport terminal with her personality, I just kept thinking what a privilege I had been given on this day - to be her Mother.

And as she introduced me to my own friends at the airport 
as her "Mama" over and over again, 

I realized that God had been preparing this child's heart for my spot in her life before I ever knew she existed.   

Much as He had prepared my heart, before I ever cared that He had died for me, He had pursued me, that He had loved me from the Beginning...

You see, our lives have always been 
the story of scandalous, undeserved Grace.

Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you for loving me first.  

Thank you for choosing me over and over again, 
even when I don't always choose You.  

Thank you for giving me this Family, 
these children, 

and the kind of friend who would 
drop everything to stand in my place...

To bring my children Home to me. 

Thank you for supporting us, praying for us, and reading our story so far. 

Video Link:
Video by Moving Memories:

Watermarked pictures 
(and all of the good ones on this blog) 
by Christina Rose at:

Christina Rose Photography



  1. So happy for you!
    Mary, momma to many

  2. This is more than beautiful. I am praying for an easy adjustment for each member of the Roepnack clan. I am not sure how someone can read and watch this yet not believe that Jesus is our Savior. Just beautiful.

    Prayers and Blessings,

  3. Beautiful pictures and thoughts expressed! Haven and Aaron are surely blessed, as are their parents and siblings. Love the joy on Haven's face and prayers that Aaron's will shine the same soon. Congratulations on your new additions! :)

  4. There were tears running down Izzy and my eyes as we read this post and watched your video!! Loved spending time with your family in China!! And it was so wonderful to see Haven and Aaron in their Mama's arms.



Thank you for your words and support.