Meet Cheru.
We have been waiting and praying for a little boy for our family to sponsor at Kechene. THIS little boy. He is officially ours. We can't wait to meet him when we return to see Selam, our sponsor girl, and all the rest of the Kechene kids.
I have a mission to complete before I return, and I need your help.
These kids need uniforms.
They need shoes.
I saw it when I was there. I tried NOT to see it, but I did.
This is my sponsor child's shoe. I took this pic while she sat on my lap, and it was the moment that God broke my heart for His:
In many of the pictures, I had to crop out children who were not wearing underwear, or whose clothes were ripped in immodest places due to the wear and tear of wearing them every day. Including my own little girl:
One little girl in particular kept staring at me. She wore a junior bridesmaids dress; American made. It was so fancy and over-the-top that all it did was highlight the situation and problem for me.
The fact that this dress was sent over to Ethiopia by well-meaning Americans, she found it, and that she now wears it with pride made this whole picture very clear:
We are not giving them what they need.
Tom Davis, the director of HopeChest, has written many articles about good vs. bad aid. How can we help in ways that matter?
We can stop boxing up our bridesmaids dresses and used winter clothing, and start sending things that they need.
They need shoes.
They need uniforms.
They need these things to be purchased IN ETHIOPIA from the economy of their future.
These sky-blue sweaters that the children wear mean something very special in Ethiopia. They signify hope and a chance at University. To me, they signify something more.
These kids are being loved, discipled, and educated by some of the most amazing teachers I have ever met. We can step up here and support these kids how WE are able to, right now.
In the past 3 months since I traveled to Ethiopia, I have watched as people have been moved by the Lord to step up for these kids. An amazing woman named Gwyn organized a sewing team to make each little girl at Kechene a new dress.
Now it's our turn. Consider these ways to help:
1) Buy a sky blue uniform.
2) Or, buy a pair of shoes.
Meet the Kechene kids: